Crann Tara Miniatures
It seems our web host for Crann Tara Miniatures has been experiencing some issues so here is a list that has most of what we have available. There are no prices here but please make an inquiry if you need anything.
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French Infantry Mould Number
FR1 French Infantry standing at the ready 48
FR2 French Infantry kneeling at the ready 49
FR3 French Infantry Kneeling firing 70
FR4 French Grenadier in tricorn marching 71
FR5 French Officer with sword raised ( 1 figure) 71
FRI06 Officer of Artillery in overcoat standing 83
FRI07 French Artillery crew 100
FRI08 French artillery crew manhandling 101
FRI10 Chasseur de Fischer command 114 ( Master Mould)
FRI11 Chasseur de Fischer skirmishing 117
FRI12 Compagnie Franches de la Marine skirmishing MM91
FRI13 Compagnie Franches de la Marine marching 169
FRI14 Compagnie Franches de la Marine NCO 159 (Master mould)
FRI20 Clermont Prince Officer 167 (MM needs production)
FRI21 Clermont |Prince standard bearer 167
FRI22 Clermont Prince Skirmishing (6figs) 171
FRI23 Clermont Prince drummer 167
FRI24 NCO marching/advancing 187
FRI25 NCO dressing the line 187A
FRI30 Compagnie Franches de la Marine NCO – Canadian dress 206
FRI31 Compagnie Franches de la Marine skirmishing – Canadian dress 180
FRI32 French Infantry Charging 179
FRI 33a French Infantry Officer Charging 205
FRI 33b French Infantry drummer Charging 205
FRI 33c French Infantry standard bearer Charging 205
FRI34 French Infantry (turnbacks) Charging 202
FRI35 French Infantry Grenadiers (turnback) Charging 207
FRI36 Canadian Militia skirmishing 208
FRI37 Infantry casual march 210
CT014 Irish Piquet/FrenchLine command standing 25+21+83
CT015 Irish Piquet/FrenchInfantry Standing 21
CT016 Irish Piquet/FrenchLine command marching 25+20
CT017 Irish Piquet/French Infantry Marching 20
CT018 French command standing (2) 29+83
CT019 French Infantry standing firing 29
FDM01 Fusiliers de Morliere Command 36
FDM02 Fusiliers de Morliere skirmishing 35
FDM03 Fusiliers de Morliere Granadier 63
FDM04 Mounted Fusilier de Morliere trooper 65
FDM05 Mounted Fusilier de Morliere Command 66
French Cavalry
CTC30 Princes Lifeguard Command (3 figs) 53
CTC31 Princes LifeGuard trooper ( 3 figs) 52
CTC32 Fitz James’ Horse command 50
CTC33 Fitz James’ Horse trooper 51
FRC001 French Guard Trooper 74
FRC002 French Guard Command 75+86
FRC003 French Dragoon trooper in cap 99
FRC004 Early French Hussar (1) 98
FRC005 Early French Hussar (2) 106
FRC006 Early French Hussar command 109
FRC007 Dismounted Early French Hussar command 108
FRC008 Dismounted French Hussar skirmishing 108
FRC009 Mounted French Officer (1) 98
FRC010 Mounted French Officer (2) 98
FRC011 Early French Hussar charging 118
FRC012 Early French Hussar ADC 114 (Master Mould)
FRC013 Early French Hussar Horse Holders 122 (73??)
FRC014 Les Mousquetaires de la Garde – Trooper 125
FRC015 Les Mousquetaires de la Garde – Trooper (in cloak) 126
FRC016 Les Mousquetaires de la Garde – Command 123
FRC017 Les Mousquetaires de la Garde – Vignette 123
FRC019 Dismounted French Dragoon skirmishing 159 MM (need to check)
FRC020 Dismounted French Dragoon Officer 159
FRC021 Clermont Prince Troopers 170
FRC022 Clermont Prince Command 167(MM)
FRC023 French Dragoon horseholder and horses 174 for horses Holders to go in Prod mould
FRC024 dismounted French dragoons in tricorn skirmishing 206
FRC025 French Dragoon in tricorn 177 (MM)
FRC030 French Officer with raised sword. 177 (MM)
FRC031 French Officer charging 209
Montcalm 209
Army of Savoy
Sav -001 Line Infantry at ready 27
Sav-002 Officer marching 38
Sav-003 Officer standing 38
Sav-004 Officer pointing 38
Sav-005 NCO (1) 38
Sav-006 NCO(2) 38
Sav-007 Drummer 38
Sav-008 Fifer 38
Sav-009 Standard Bearer Marching 38
Sav-0010 Standard Bearer standing (1) 38
Sav-011 Infantry standing to attention 46
Sav-012 Standard Bearer (2) 38
SAV013 Infantry standing (with collar) 63
SAV014 Infantry Marching 60 +175
SAV015 Grenadier standing 61
SAV016 Artillery crew 76
SAV017 Grenadier Marching 88
SAV030 Cavalry trooper 77
SAV031 Cavalry command 94
Sav032 Sav Mounted Officer 1 (same as French) 97
SAV033 Mounted Officer 2 ( Same as French) 97
SAV034 Mounted Officer sword raised ( Same as French figure) 97
Savoia Garde not listed yet 204
CT001 Highlanders, in shirts, charging and advancing. (6 different) GC1
CT002 Highlanders in shirts, Charging (3 different figures x2) 1
CT003 Highlanders in shirts, advancing( 3 different figures x2) 1
CT004 Highlanders in Jackets, charging and advancing (6 different) 3
CT005 Highlanders in Jackets Charging ( 3 different figures x2) 3
CT006 Highlanders in Jackets Advancing (3 different figures x2) 3
CT007 Highlanders Firing (2poses) 4
CT008 Highland Command 7
CT09 Lowlanders 6
CT010 Lowland drummer 7
CT011 Royal Ecossais Command 8+5
CT012 Royal Ecossais Marching 8
CT013 Royal Ecossais Advancing 5
CTC30 Prince's Life gaurd command (suitable as Guard Ecosse) 53
CTC31 Prince's Life guard trooper 52
CTC32 Fitzjames' horse command 50
CTC33 Fitzjames' Horse trooper 51
CTC34 Baggot's Hussar Officer – mounted 56
CTC35 Baggot's Hussar trooper with sword ( 3 figures) mounted 57
CTC36 Baggot's Hussar trooper with carbine (1 figure) mounted 56
CTC37 Baggots Hussar Officer dismounted 56
CTC38 BAggots Hussars dismounted skirmishing 55
CTC39 Pitsligos horse (1) 121
CTC40 Pitsligos Horse (2) 121
Personalities CTP 8,9,10 79
Jacobte artillery crew MM78
British Army
CT050 –British Command Marching (5 figures- 2 ensigns, 1drummer 2 different Officers) 13
CT051 – British Infantry Marching Regulation 17
CT052 – British Infantry Marching Campaign 1 16
CT053 - British Infantry Marching, Campaign2 23
CT054 – British Grenadiers Marching 15+26
CT055 – British Command Standing (5 figures- 2 ensigns, 1 drummer2 different Officers) 13+14
CT056 – British Infantry Firing –Regulation 14
CT057 – British Infantry Firing Campaign 1 16
CT058 - British Infantry Firing Campaign 2 24
CT059 – British Grenadiers Firing 10
CT060 – British Inf. Charge Bayonet Reg. 12
CT061 – British Inf. Charge Bayonet Campaign 1 12
CT062 - British Inf.Charge Bayonet ,Campaign 2 24
CT063 – British Gren. ‘Charge Bayonet’ 10
CT064 - British Infantry ,Regulation dress ‘At ready’ 22+84
CT065 – British Infantry Campaign dress 1 ‘At ready’ 22
CT066 - British Infantry Campaigndress2 ‘At Ready’ 23
CT067 - British Grenadiers ‘At Ready’ 26
CT068 British Fusilier at ready 87
CT069 Infantry gunners 90
CT070 British Marine marching 80
CT071 British Marine Officer 186
CTO72 British Marine drummer 186
CT073 British marine advancing 186
CT080 British Artillery crew 81
CT080A British artillery crewman marching 82
CT082 British Pioneer standing MM159
CT083 British Pioneer Marching MM159
CT084 British Grenadier Officer marching M 159
CT085 British hatman charging 164
CT086 British Grenadier charging 164
CT087 Keiths Highlanders charging 161
CT088 Keiths Highlanders advancing 162
CT089 Keiths Highlanders marching 160
CT090 Naval Officer 158
CT091 British Naval landing party (1) /gun crew 157
CT092 British Naval Landing party (2) 157
CT093 British Naval Landing Party (3) 158
CT094 British Naval landing party unit pack 157+158
CT095 Keiths highlanders Officer 163
CT096 Keiths highlanders Piper 163
CT097 Keiths highlanders drummer MM172 (bonnet)
CT098 Keiths highlander standard bearer 205
CT099 British Infantry command charging MM173
CT100 NCO marching/advancing 187
CT101 NCO dressing the line. 187
CTC001 British Dragoon Command 31
CTC002 British Dragoon trooper 30
CTC003 dismounted British dragoons running ( 4 figures) 34
CTC004 dismounted British Dragoons firing (4 figures) 33
CTC005 dismounted British Dragoon Officer ( 1 figure) 33+34
CTC006 Scots Grey /Horse Grenadier command 69+ ( I have made an ensign MM85)
CTC007 Scots Grey/Grenadier trooper 69
CTC008 Dragoon Horse holder and horses 73
CTC010 British Horse Command 102
CTC011 British Horse Trooper 103
CTC012 British Mounted Officer (1) 107
CTC013 British Mounted Officer (2) 107
CTC014 British Mounted General MM113
CTC015Georgia Scouts \Command MM114
CTC016 Georgia scouts trooper with carbine 127
CTC017 Georgia scouts trooper with sword 127
CTP001 Duke of Cumberland 32
CTP002 Lt. General Hawley 32
CTP003 Lt. General Earl of Albermarle 32
Garde Francais
GF1 Garde Francais standing ( 6 figures - 2 poses) 47
GF2 Garde Francais standing at the ready 68
GF3 Garde Francais kneeling at the ready 67
GF4 Garde Francais Officer (1) holding hat (1 figure) 62
GF5 Garde Francais Officer 2 (1 figure) 62
GF6 Garde Francais Standrd bearer ( 1 figure) 64
GF7 Garde Francais Drummer ( 1 figure) 64
GF8 Garde Francais NCO 64
SP01 Spanish line stood to attention 45
SP02 Spanish Grenadier stood to attention 61
Sp03 Spanish Infantry Marching 96
Sp04 Spanish Grenadier Marching 128
SAXA01 Rapid |Fire Cannon 145
SAX001 Musketeer command 138
SAX02 Musketeer marching 136
SAX03 Grenadier Marching 135
SAX04 Grenadier Command 138
SAX05 Artillery crew 137
SAX06 Cuirassier resting 141
SAX07 Cuirassier charging 140
SAX08 Cuirassier Command 142
SAX10 Cheveaux Leger command at rest 198
SAX11 Cheveaux leger at rest 197
SAX12 Cheveaux Leger charging 195
SAX13 Cheveaux leger command charging 198
SAX14 Uhlan command charging 198
SAX15 Uhlan with lance charging 196
SAX16 Uhlan with sword charging 196
ADC BOWING 194BX £4.50
PRINCE Xavier 194CX £4.50
Prince Xavier/General with Sword 194DX £4.50
SAX21 NCO Pushing 194 H?
Grenadier in Prussian mitre not in shop yet 210
Generic figures – suitable for most nationalities
GM001 Generic Infantry marching 89
GM002 Generic militia Hats MM113
GM003 Generic militia tricorn MM113
GM004 ADC on galloping horse 130
GM005 Mounted Officer in overcoat 209
GM006 Dismounted Officer in overcoat
GM007 Mounted ADC holding sword
GM008 Dismounted ADC holding sword
GM009 Mounted Officer/ADC in overcoat with pistol 206
GM010 Dismounted Officer in overcoat with sword and pistol 206
GM011 Horse head down suitable for dismounted ADC
GM012 Charging General with trumpeter MM
GM013 Officer/ADC in coat and stockings
GM014 Officer/ADC in coat and stockings – pointing
GM015 Jaegers skirmishing
GM016 Jaeger hornist
GM017 Oarsmen 188
GM018 Tillerman 188
GM019 Civilian Militia marching MM199+200
GM020 Militia/homesteaders skirmishing MM199
GM021 Female settlers fighting MM199
GM022 Militia/Homesteaders skirmishing(2) MM200
GM023 Jaeger Officer
GM024 Civilian militia command MM203
GM025 Assault storming party MM203
Small Actions/specials and French Indian War
Scheithers Frei Korps
SFK001 Mounted Officer MM176
SFK002 Mounted Grenadier Officer MM176
SFK003 Jaegers skirmishing 184
SFK004 Grenadiers marching 183
SFK005 Grenadiers at ready 183
SFK006 Grenadiers advancing 183
SFK007 Grenadier Officer on foot MM176
SFK008 Jaeger Officer on foot MM176
SFK009 Pioneer. MM176
SFK010 Mounted Jaeger (1) 185
SFK011 Mounted Jaeger (2) 185
Von Luckner Hussars
SYW6 Von Luckner Command 149
SYW7 Trooper sabre on shoulder 150
SYW8 Trooper charging 151
SYW9 Trooper arm by side 150 ( check)
Freytag Jaeger
SYW01 Mounted Jaeger 148
SYW02 Mounted Jaeger command 149
SYW03 Mounted Jaeger Officer with sword 149
SYW10 Jaeger skirmishing 165
SYW011 Jaeger Officer
SYW012 Jaeger Hornist
Sugar Islands
SI001 Maroons
RR01 Rangers running 192
RR02 Rangers Skirmishing 192
RR03 Ranger NCO 191
RR04 Ranger Officer 191
RR05 Rangers in caps skirmishing 201
RR06 Ranger Officer in cap 201
Prov01 Provincial marching 189
Prov02 Provincial advancing 190
Prov03 Provincial NCO 191
Prov04 Provincial Officer 191
FIW Indians
MOW01 Mohawk Sachem on horse .
MOW02 Mohawk Sachem on foot
MoW03 In shirts carrying firearm
MOW04 barechested with firearms
MOW05 with melee weapons
HUR01 Open handed 181
HUR02 in shirts with firearms 181
HUR03 barechests firearms 181
Mules--- GCH11
Mountain gun GC111
Mule loads GC112
Mountain gun loads 119
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