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Plenty of new Rules, Figures and Book this week.
Salute 52 is soon to be upon us (12th April) so now is the time to get your orders in so we can bring them along!
We have large numbers of 2nd hand and bargain books, rules and figures on our website, all divided by military period. Pop over and have a look.
TALES OF DERRING DO: 3)TALES OF THE OLD WEST: Rip roaring adventure in a world of six guns and sidewinders
Swan, Chris, Blake, Mike & Colwill, Ian. Large format full colour pbk. 3rd supplement to these popular Pulp rules. Classic Western gunfight action and more. Includes cut-out standees so you can play whilst building your gang. Scenarios and quick play 2 player shoot out rules. The pack also contains a bonus game using a slimmed down version of the rules found in Tales of
Derring Do and Tales of Derring Do –The Supporting Feature allowing players to stage competitive
shoot outs on Main Street. £19.50
Also available Bundled with the original rules for £44.50
WARS OF THE SAMURAI - Pike & Shotte Supplement
large format all colour new paperback - Pre-order price. Battle through the turbulent Sengoku jidai (warring states) period of Japanese history with Wars of the Samurai, the essential guide for recreating 15th and 16th Century Japanese warfare with Pike & Shotte! Packed with a wealth of historical background, army lists, new unit rules, and scenarios, alongside gorgeous miniatures and artwork to inspire your painting, Wars of the Samurai is perfect for Pike & Shotte veterans and new players alike, bringing a whole new dimension to the tried and tested game mechanics. £21.50
OAKP305 - Hard plastic Multi-part 28mm Figures - The box set contains enough parts to build 30 Elf Heavy Infantry. It includes weapon options to equip them all with either two-handed weapons or hand weapons and shields. These models can be assembled as either Warriors or Linebreakers from the Oathmark army lists. Each frame also features options for a standard bearer and an officer. This allows for the creation of a large unit of 30 Elf Warriors with an officer and standard bearer, or six smaller units of five Elves, each with an officer and a standard bearer. Pre-Order Price £21.50
Battle of Lens 1648 : Condé beats the Spanish
Ribas. 146p. new pbk. 57 b/w illustrations, 6 b/w photos, 4 colour plates, 2 b/w maps. The Battle of Lens marked the climax of a decade of war between France and Spain; the two contenders were exhausted, having fought in Spain, France, Flanders, Italy and Germany. The conflict would be settled in a pitched battle near the city of Lens, Flanders, in the summer of 1648. £19.50
SWORDS OF GOD : Wargaming the Battles of the Crusades
Moran, Matt. ANY scale figures, large battle rules. Includes army lists. Swords of God is a narrative wargame set during the Age of Crusades (1100–1400). Rather than attempting to directly simulate the physical aspects of warfare, the rules draw inspiration from chansons de geste and other romantic literature of the time, aiming to create a fast-flowing, abstract struggle - one still worthy of a song. £18.50
Confrontation of Kings, 1656 : The Three-Day Battle of Warsaw in the Swedish Deluge, 1655-1660
Von Essen. 180p. new. | 64 b/w illustrations & photos, 4 b/w maps, 12 colour plates. the largest battle of the war of the Swedish Deluge (1655-1660). During three days of fighting, the Swedish-Brandenburg Alliance faced the combined Polish, Lithuanian, and Tatar armies. A clash between Western and Eastern styles of warfare. £22.50
SLOG OR SWAN : British Army Effectiveness in Operation Veritable, February and March 1945
Dermot Rooney. 242p 18 b/w figures, 7 b/w photos, 37 b/w maps, 6 colour maps. Slog or Swan presents the first objective assessment of British Army performance in Veritable to show how fundamental problems with army organisation and fighting doctrine pushed soldiers beyond the limits of endurance. Slog or Swan exploits a depth of previously untouched primary sources to shine new light on British Army effectiveness by showing how soldiers fought the pivotal operation of 1945. Where previous works have fixated on Normandy and Arnhem, and made broad judgements on leadership or morale, this book drills into the tactical realities that defined British fighting power. £28.50
Russian Patriotic War of 1812 . 3 ) The Russian Official History
Bogdanovich. 360p. This final volume of the trilogy continues to cover operations from the Russian perspective; from Napoleon’s abandoning of Moscow to the expulsion of the Grande Armée from the Russian Empire, including operations against the Prussian and Austro-Saxon auxiliary corps on the flanks. £29.50
We have as always some second hand and shop soiled Books and Rules
Please contact us if you have trouble finding the books you want.
56959 Last Spanish Armada: Britain and the War of the Quadruple Alliance, 1718-1720 / Oates, Jonathan D. Pbk, pub. 2019, 184 pages, b&w illustrations. New book £16.00
56960 Pensacola: The Longest Siege of the American Revolution / Odom, Wesley S. Pbk, pub. 2009, 204 pages, b&w maps, colour plates. Like new. £35.00
56961 History of the 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards and their predecessors, 1685-1980 / Brereton 490p. large format excellent condition hardback. illus inc colour. ALL the major British army campaigns £21.50
56963 ARMIES AND ENEMIES OF NAPOLEON, 1789-1815 / - Near mint. 220p. pbk.-the unfortunate General Mack; military intelligence in Napoleon's Italian Campaign and Alex Mikaberidze examines Kutuzov's role in the Austerlitz Campaign. There is a chapter by Alistair Nichols on the French émigré units in British pay and one by Mark Edward Hay on the rebuilding of the Dutch army before Waterloo. The Peninsular War is also covered with a chapter by Kenton White on French strategy and tactics and Robert Griffith covers the long-overlooked role of the battalions of light companies in Wellington's Army. £16.50
56964 Field of Glory Napoleonic: Wargaming Rules for Napoleonic gaming 2nd edition / - like new £24.50
56965 RUSSIAN ARMY OF THE NAPOLEONIC WARS: UNIFORMS ORGANISATION & FLAGS / Esposito New but slight knock to front cover. larger format hardback. 230p. Incredibly well illus in colour. Latest in this Partizan Presss series. A detailed overview of all arms of the Russian army £29.95
56966 EPIC ECW CAVALRY SPRUE / - (Inc dragoons & artillery) Warlord Games £3.95
56967 Military Journal of Colonel Leslie, K.H., of Balquhain: Whilst Serving With the 29th Regt. in the Peninsula, and the 60th Rifles in Canada, &c., 1807-1832 / Leslie 330p. near new hardback facsimile £16.00
56968 In the Legions of Napoleon: The Memoirs of a Polish Officer in Spain and Russian 1808-1813 / Von Brandt 290p. like new hardback £8.50
56969 FREEMAN's FARM & BEMIS HEIGHTS / Tulk Battles & scenarios for wargamers series 24p. maps. £6.50
56970 15mm HAN CHINESE LIGHT CAVALRY WITH LANCE / - Chariot miniatures 8 figures £5.00
56972 COASTAL COMMAND: Small vessel WWII combat rules / Rudy Scott Nelson large format pbk £16.50
56973 WITH WASHINGTON TO GLORY : RULES FOR THE AWI / - Large format pbk. like new - Tactical rules, any scale of figures Inc Newtown scenario £20.00
56974 Half-Track vol. 2 (Gun Power) M15 and later versions / Janda large format pbk 227p. well illus in colour. the Half-Track’s incarnation as a weapons carrier, with all variants and versions presented on 75 pages of drawings along with a collection of photographs £21.50
56975 TOMORROW'S WAR : SF WARGAMING RULES / - Osprey / AMBUSH ALLEY GAMES- near new hardback. all colour rules £31.50
56976 Moments in History: RTC: Royal Tank Corps Hex board wargames / - punched but like new BATTLE OF CAMBRAI Game £25.00
56977 MEMOIRS OF BARON DE MARBOT / BUtler & Marbot Near fine half leather original 1893 printing . marbled boards, bright tooled spine slight foxing Super copy for it's age. 700p. single volume edition £44.50
56978 Steel Fortress: The Russian T-28 Medium Tank / Mikhail Baryatinsky (Author), James Kinnear Paperback. large format 128 pages. Illustrated throughout with bl. and wh. illustrations. Cond. new.Mint. Unread. £19.50
56979 WARLORD GAME IMPERIAL ROMAN COMMAND SPRUE / - 10 28mm plastics 7 Legionnaries and 3 command- New (up to 5 available) £3.25
56980 Panzer Vor! 2: German Armor At War 1939-45 / - COncord 7056 LIke ne w but slight fading to spine £19.00
56981 Battle on Two Fronts 1944-1945 (Concord - Armor at War Series) / - LIke new. large format v well illus £22.50
56982 Panzerwaffe At War 1) Concord 7013 / Michulec parge format well illus pibk inc colur. Full of black and white photos, content includes Before the War, The Polish Campaign, The Operation of Northern Europe, 1940 War in the West, Birth of the Afrikakorps, Barbarossa. £11.50
56983 Panzer Vor! 4: German Armor At War, 1939-45 / De sito COncord 7061 like new well illus inc colour £17.50
56984 Panzer on the Ostfront 1941-1943 (Armor at War) / - concord 7049 like new £17.50
56985 LANCE: Medieval; wargames rules 3rd edition / Cook Tabletop games. inc cheat sheet £8.50
56986 FAST PLAY RULES FOR DARK AGE & MEDIEVAL WARFARE / Halsall & Boss Newbury rules like new £8.50
56987 FAST PLAY RULES FOR MEDIEVAL & RENAISSANCE WARFARE / Halsall & Boss Newbury rules like new £8.50
56988 Last Army: The Battle of Stow-on-the-Wold and the end of the Civil War in the Welsh Marches, 1646 / Barratt, John Pbk, pub. 2018, 144 pages, colour and B&W illustrations. New book. £11.00
56989 Wellington's Rifles: The Origins, Development and Battles of the Rifle Regiments in the Peninsular War and at Waterloo / Cusick, Ray Hdbk, pub. 2013, 192 pages, b&w illustrations. Like new. £11.00
56990 Battle of Kursk: A detailed and thorough analysis. / Glantz, David M & House, Jonathan M Pbk, pub. 1999, 472 pages, b&w photographs. A detailed and thorough analysis. Like new. £17.95
56991 PANZER: The Illustrated History of German Armour in WWII / Barr, N & hart R. (eds) Pbk, pub. 1999, 176 pages, b&w photographs throughout. Like new. £19.99
56992 Great and Glorious Days: Marlborough's Battles 1704-09 / Falkner, James Pbk, pub. 2007, 243 pages. Like new. £8.50
56993 Culloden: The History and Archaeology of the Last Clan Battle / Pollard, Tony Pbk, pub. 2009, 278 pages, both b&w and colour illustrations. Like new. £8.99
56994 Infantry Attacks: The tactics behind his success / Rommel, Erwin Pbk, pub. 1990 (originally pub. 1935), 265 pages. Like new £5.00
56995 Indian Frontier Warfare: A tactical treatise / Younghusband, G. J. Pbk, modern facsimile of 1897 original, 260 pages. Like new £12.95
56996 TRANS-CAUCASIAN CAMPAIGN OF THE TURKISH ARMY DURING THE CRIMEAN WAR / Oliphant -large format like new pbk reprint 80p £30.00
56997 BRONZE LIE: Shattering The Myth Of Spartan Warrior Supremacy / cole 464 p. Mint Hardback. This book look's at Spartans' arms and armor, tactics and strategy, the personalities of commanders and the common soldiery alike. It looks at the major battles, with a special focus on previously under-publicized Spartan reverses that have been left largely unexamined. The result is a refreshingly honest and accurate account of Spartan warfare. £15.50
56998 Ancient Weapons in Britain / Thompson, Logan Hdbk, pub. 2004, 176 pages, b&w photographs. New book. £11.00
56999 BATTLE OF ROCROI 1643 / Gavier 84p SPANISH TEXT pbk well illus inc colour plates £15.00
57000 CAZADORES A CABALLO ESPANOLES EN LA GUERRA NAPOLEONICAS 1800-1814 - SPANISH LIGHT CAVALRY / Santiago -80p. well illus inc colour uniform plates. SPANISH TEXT £20.00
57001 German Army Handbook 1939-1945 / Lucas, James Hdbk, pub. 1998, 216 pages, b&w photographs. Like new. £8.50
57002 British Army Handbook 1939-1945 / Forty, George Hdbk, pub. 2000, 369 pages, b&w photographs. Like new. £9.99
57003 Refighting History Volume 8: The Seven Years war - Western Theatre Small Actions / Grant, Charles Hdbk, 2020, 192 pages, illustrated in colour. Shop soiled, minor scuffing. £37.50
57004 FLAGS & UNIFORMS of the French Army of Louis XIV 1688 - 1714: SUPPLEMENT / Hall & Boeri like new large format HARDBACK. The book consists of 119 pages of text and 30 pages of colour plates, this work provides supplementary information to our previous publications on the French Army of Louis XIV . £44.50
57005 Memoirs: Sir Lowry Cole / Cole, Sir Lowry Pbk, facsimile pub. 2014. 263 pages. New book. West indies Egypt & the Peninsular and beyond £9.50
57006 Secret War: The Story of SOE / West, Nigel Hdbk, pub. 2019, 300 pages. New book. £15.00
57007 Journal of the Waterloo Campaign / Mercer, General Cavalie Pbk, facsimile of 1870 edition with new afterword by Philip Haythornthwaite. 398 pages. VG condition £8.80
57008 Jena 1806: Napoleon Destroys Prussia (Praeger Illustrated Military History Series) / Chandler, David Hdbk, pub 2005, 95 pages, b&w illustrations. VG condition. £15.00
57009 Operation Barbarossa 1941: Army Group South (Praeger Illustrated History Series) / Kirchubel, Robert Hdbk, pub. 2003, 96 pages, b&w illustrations. VG condition. £6.50
57010 Waterloo General: Life, Letters and Mysterious Death of Major General Sir William Ponsonby / Morewood, John Hdbk, pub. 2016, 267 pages, b&w illustrations. New book £9.89
57011 GET TOUGH!! / Capt Fairbairn Reprint of 1942. near mint pbk 100p. ill reprint of hand-hand combat manual as used by Commando £8.50
57012 Die etatmäßigen Dienstgrade und Dienststellungen in der französischen Armee 1804-1815 / AMsel 64p. near fine pbk. Very Well illus in colour. GERMAN TEXT Amsel analyses the peculiarities of rank groups and their uses during the 1st Empire: marshals and generals, staff officers, officers, non-commissioned teams. PLus addresses the special features of the guard £8.50
57013 British Expedition To Abyssinia: British Expedition To Abyssinia / Capt Henry M. Hozier P. back. Modern printing of facsimile copy.271 pages. Cond.Like new.Looks unread. £6.00
57014 Defiance!: Withstanding the Kaiserschlacht / - new hardback 262p. illu. SUperb memoirs of an artilleryman written just after the war �3. £6.50
57015 ENGLISH NAVAL FORCES 1199-1272 / - Hardback, pub. c. 1933, 228 pages.Some markings to front cover. Otherwise, good condition, nice tight copy £5.00
57016 Shiloh Campaign: March-april 1862 (Great Campaigns) / Martin 230p. near new hardback illus £6.00
57017 ROMMEL AND CAPORETTO / Wilks near mint HBK260p. illus. campaigning on the Italian front in WWI £6.50
57018 Swabian War of 1499: The first confrontation between Landsknechts and the Swiss / Winkler like new pbk v well illus inc colour plates £16.50
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