SHOT, STEEL & STONE 1660-1850 : The Bare Essentials: Rules For Wargaming The...

"Hyde, Henry. This version of the rules has been fully updated and expanded with the collaboration of many wargamers over the course of ten years. It has been playtested in games both small and large, including huge, multi-player games in which armies numbering thousands of miniatures per side have clashed in 18th century pitched battles set in the author's Wars of the Faltenian Succession imagi-nations campaigns."
"Hyde, Henry. This version of the rules has been fully updated and expanded with the collaboration of many wargamers over the course of ten years. It has been playtested in games both small and large, including huge, multi-player games in which armies numbering thousands of miniatures per side have clashed in 18th century pitched battles set in the author's Wars of the Faltenian Succession imagi-nations campaigns."
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