"Cowell,. 296p written by an Ensign in an unidentified Guards regiment, serving with Wellington in the Peninsula. Beginning with the departure from England, the writer's 'Sketches of Campaign Life' cover such battles theatres as Fuentes, Albuera, Ciudad Rodrigo, ending with military operations against Badajos, prior to the eventual storming of that citadel. A lively account, with clear insight into the character and station in life of the young correspondent. MINT HBK REPRINT"
"Cowell,. 296p written by an Ensign in an unidentified Guards regiment, serving with Wellington in the Peninsula. Beginning with the departure from England, the writer's 'Sketches of Campaign Life' cover such battles theatres as Fuentes, Albuera, Ciudad Rodrigo, ending with military operations against Badajos, prior to the eventual storming of that citadel. A lively account, with clear insight into the character and station in life of the young correspondent. MINT HBK REPRINT"
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