SWORDS OF GOD : Wargaming the Battles of the Crusades

"Moran, Matt. ANY scale figures, large battle rules. Includes army lists. Swords of God is a narrative wargame set during the Age of Crusades (1100–1400). Rather than attempting to directly simulate the physical aspects of warfare, the rules draw inspiration from chansons de geste and other romantic literature of the time, aiming to create a fast-flowing, abstract struggle - one still worthy of a song."
"Moran, Matt. ANY scale figures, large battle rules. Includes army lists. Swords of God is a narrative wargame set during the Age of Crusades (1100–1400). Rather than attempting to directly simulate the physical aspects of warfare, the rules draw inspiration from chansons de geste and other romantic literature of the time, aiming to create a fast-flowing, abstract struggle - one still worthy of a song."
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