PORT ROYAL: Corebox Including 28mm Figures

"PRE-ORDER PRICE - Campaign-based, tactical, warband-sized skirmish wargame. Loosely based on the historical events following the 1692 earthquake that devastated the island of Jamaica. Players take control of small companies of pirates, privateers, Native Americans, African Maroons, or local government forces as they battle against opponents for their share of the plunder. Rulebook plus 15 x 28mm Character models Punchboard Tokens • Punchboard Rulers • 27 Punchboard Terrain pieces • Paper Terrain Mat. "
"PRE-ORDER PRICE - Campaign-based, tactical, warband-sized skirmish wargame. Loosely based on the historical events following the 1692 earthquake that devastated the island of Jamaica. Players take control of small companies of pirates, privateers, Native Americans, African Maroons, or local government forces as they battle against opponents for their share of the plunder. Rulebook plus 15 x 28mm Character models Punchboard Tokens • Punchboard Rulers • 27 Punchboard Terrain pieces • Paper Terrain Mat. "
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