Solid as a Rock : Fallschirmjäger Regiment 1 on the Eastern Front and the W...

"Zimburg. 300p. 170 b/w photos, 16 b/w maps, 25 colour maps, 17 tables. Solid As a Rock provides a detailed account of the German Fallschirmjäger Regiment 1's little-known actions on the Eastern Front in 1942 and 1943. While renowned for its Blitzkrieg operations in Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Crete, its Eastern Front infantry operations are less documented. This book covers the regiment's actions north of Smolensk and around Orel, supported by rare personal recollections, detailed maps, sketches, and contemporary photographs. It offers an intimate insight into the fighting through the eyes of the soldiers of a neglected campaign on the Eastern Front."
"Zimburg. 300p. 170 b/w photos, 16 b/w maps, 25 colour maps, 17 tables. Solid As a Rock provides a detailed account of the German Fallschirmjäger Regiment 1's little-known actions on the Eastern Front in 1942 and 1943. While renowned for its Blitzkrieg operations in Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Crete, its Eastern Front infantry operations are less documented. This book covers the regiment's actions north of Smolensk and around Orel, supported by rare personal recollections, detailed maps, sketches, and contemporary photographs. It offers an intimate insight into the fighting through the eyes of the soldiers of a neglected campaign on the Eastern Front."
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