Frontier Soldiers of New France 1) Regulation Clothing, Armament, and Equipment ...

"Chartrand, Rene. 272p 390 b/w illustrations, 141 colour illustrations. This book series examines the official and regulation dress, weapons and equipment of the regular colonial troops maintained by the French government in North America from 1683 to 1760, including unpublished information with a focus on new illustrations, line drawings, and photos of rare portraits and surviving artefacts from public and private collections. "
"Chartrand, Rene. 272p 390 b/w illustrations, 141 colour illustrations. This book series examines the official and regulation dress, weapons and equipment of the regular colonial troops maintained by the French government in North America from 1683 to 1760, including unpublished information with a focus on new illustrations, line drawings, and photos of rare portraits and surviving artefacts from public and private collections. "
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