"Buck Surdu's introductory WWII skirmish rules uses the G.A.M.E.R. system to describe the capabilities of every figure: Guts, Accuracy, Melee, Endurance and Reaction. Basic rules are only eight pages, with advanced and optional rules offering the nuances of WWII combat, including mines, snipers, medics, indirect fire, holing walls, and so on. A random activation system offers the opportunity of shifting initiative between sides. A card-based combat resolution mechanic and data sheets help reduce table clutter. Extensive data tables provide the specs for most WWII armies. Includes two full sets of cards"
"Buck Surdu's introductory WWII skirmish rules uses the G.A.M.E.R. system to describe the capabilities of every figure: Guts, Accuracy, Melee, Endurance and Reaction. Basic rules are only eight pages, with advanced and optional rules offering the nuances of WWII combat, including mines, snipers, medics, indirect fire, holing walls, and so on. A random activation system offers the opportunity of shifting initiative between sides. A card-based combat resolution mechanic and data sheets help reduce table clutter. Extensive data tables provide the specs for most WWII armies. Includes two full sets of cards"
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