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Soviet Army 1942-1953


    "This publication draws together three original pamphlets on the Soviet Army, two of which are wartime titles, and one is a post-war British Army pamphlet. The Soviet Fighting Forces looks at the history of the Red Army, the Finnish Campaign, the Red Army in 1942 and its strategy and tactics and personnel. Short Notes on the Red Army was issued in 1942 by the British Army and describes the characteristics and organisation of the Soviet ground and air forces, and also covers AFVs, artillery, aircraft and other weapons, plus a short note on tactics and Russian military conventional signs and military abbreviations. There is a coloured section on uniforms and insignia.The third pamphlet, The Soviet Army, although issued in 1949 (amended to 1951) actually reflects the Red Army at the end of the war with some later changes. This last pamphlet also includes a number of OrBats and strength tables. ISBN: 9781847911094"

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