"Ludendorff, General; Mint paperback reprint of a 1920 publication. 370pp.: This volume is an exculpatory exercise by the author, General Ludendorff. The author claims that 'My object in reproducing diplomatic documents ... is to ...reveal how much was kept secret from the Supreme Command by the Imperial Government.' The book also contains a range of other documents which show how the Great General Staff built the pre-war German Army and other matters - such as recruiting and labour questions, finance, food and the submarine campaign. A good volume of source material for any study of the German General Staff in World War I."
"Ludendorff, General; Mint paperback reprint of a 1920 publication. 370pp.: This volume is an exculpatory exercise by the author, General Ludendorff. The author claims that 'My object in reproducing diplomatic documents ... is to ...reveal how much was kept secret from the Supreme Command by the Imperial Government.' The book also contains a range of other documents which show how the Great General Staff built the pre-war German Army and other matters - such as recruiting and labour questions, finance, food and the submarine campaign. A good volume of source material for any study of the German General Staff in World War I."
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