VOICE OF THE INFANTRY in the NW Europe Campaign 1944-45 - 56th (Independent) In...
"Holborn, Andrew; Paperback, 180pp. This is a record of batttlefield experiences - told by the men who were part of 56th (Independent) Infantry Brigade - 2 Bn Essex Regiment, 2 Bn The Glosters and 2 Bn South Wales Borderers and those at Brigade HQ. It is a fascinating assembly of first hand accounts of the invasion of France and events after that. No fewer than 50 participants were interviewed and the author has also provided a very valuable account of the formation of the Brigade, its position in the Order of Battle and its role on D-Day. In all a first class read."
"Holborn, Andrew; Paperback, 180pp. This is a record of batttlefield experiences - told by the men who were part of 56th (Independent) Infantry Brigade - 2 Bn Essex Regiment, 2 Bn The Glosters and 2 Bn South Wales Borderers and those at Brigade HQ. It is a fascinating assembly of first hand accounts of the invasion of France and events after that. No fewer than 50 participants were interviewed and the author has also provided a very valuable account of the formation of the Brigade, its position in the Order of Battle and its role on D-Day. In all a first class read."
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