"Von Schlieffen, Count Reprint. 500p. Classic work on the history of tactics PRINT ON DEMAND REPRINT. ALWAYS IN STOCK TWO A4 VOLUMES, 1 text the other 100 full colour maps Despite title it largely covers the 1866 + FRanco- Prussian war, with 60 pages on Frederick and Napoleon For obvious reasons Cannae was the battle with the most influence on Von Schlieffen. The tactics of other battles are looked at, from the Seven years war to the Seven Week's war. This reprint also includes 101 colour maps in from 1757-1866."
"Von Schlieffen, Count Reprint. 500p. Classic work on the history of tactics PRINT ON DEMAND REPRINT. ALWAYS IN STOCK TWO A4 VOLUMES, 1 text the other 100 full colour maps Despite title it largely covers the 1866 + FRanco- Prussian war, with 60 pages on Frederick and Napoleon For obvious reasons Cannae was the battle with the most influence on Von Schlieffen. The tactics of other battles are looked at, from the Seven years war to the Seven Week's war. This reprint also includes 101 colour maps in from 1757-1866."
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