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    "Buchanan, B 460p. v well ill MINT HBK. Part 1 Modern Perceptions and Ancient Knowledge: Realities and perceptions in the evolution of black powder making, Robert A. Howard; Gunpowder and its applications in ancient India, Asitesh Bhattacharya; The Indian response to firearms, 1300–1750, Iqtidar Alam Khan; Saltpetre: a commodity of Empire, Brenda J. Buchanan. Part 2 The Production of Saltpetre and Gunpowder in Europe: Venetian gunpowder in the second half of the 16th century: production, storage and use, Walter Panciera; The Barcarena gunpowder factory: its history and technological evolution between the 17th and 20th centuries, António C. Quintela, João Luís Cardoso and José Manuel de Mascarenhas; Saltpetre at the intersection of military and agricultural interests in 18th-century Sweden, Thomas Kaiserfeld; Torsebro powder mills, Sweden: manufacturing and testing the product, Leif Mårtensson. Part 3 The Overseas Transfer of Technology From Europe: Portuguese overseas gunpowder factories, in particular those of Goa (India) and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), José Manuel de Mascarenhas; Gunpowder manufacture in Cairo from Bonaparte to Muhammad "

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