KHALSA! A Guide to Wargaming the Anglo-Sikh Wars 1845-1846 and 1848-1849

"Copestake, Andy, 182p: 65 colour photos, 6 colour illustrations, 9 b/w illustrations, 10 b/w maps, 6 tables. As a guide to wargaming these fascinating and colourful conflicts this book provides detailed information on the organisation and uniforms of both armies together with advice on how to build armies of model soldiers, and which rules are suitable to enable the enthusiast to bring these enthralling battles to the wargames table. Additionally the book also contains detailed narratives and orders of battle of both sides for all of the major battles, as well as scenarios for the wargamer to translate to his or her tabletop."
"Copestake, Andy, 182p: 65 colour photos, 6 colour illustrations, 9 b/w illustrations, 10 b/w maps, 6 tables. As a guide to wargaming these fascinating and colourful conflicts this book provides detailed information on the organisation and uniforms of both armies together with advice on how to build armies of model soldiers, and which rules are suitable to enable the enthusiast to bring these enthralling battles to the wargames table. Additionally the book also contains detailed narratives and orders of battle of both sides for all of the major battles, as well as scenarios for the wargamer to translate to his or her tabletop."
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