"Price, Glen Hardback. : 260p, illus Apart from the obvious, this includes, but is not limited to, countering the simple narrative that Royalist armies were terribly supplied in comparison to Parliament, placing the Royalists' Gloucester campaign in its correct strategic context, highlighting Catholic recruitment to Cromwell's forces in Ireland, and providing a reasonable and informed explanation for Prince Rupert's decision to fight at Marston Moorall through the lens of logistics and supply"
"Price, Glen Hardback. : 260p, illus Apart from the obvious, this includes, but is not limited to, countering the simple narrative that Royalist armies were terribly supplied in comparison to Parliament, placing the Royalists' Gloucester campaign in its correct strategic context, highlighting Catholic recruitment to Cromwell's forces in Ireland, and providing a reasonable and informed explanation for Prince Rupert's decision to fight at Marston Moorall through the lens of logistics and supply"
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